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2024-05-23 02:15编辑:bebe归类:词汇语法人气:0


Title: The Adventure of Little Tom

Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Tom. Tom loved exploring and adventure more than anything else. One sunny day, he decided to go for a hike in the nearby forest.

As he walked, he saw a beautiful butterfly fluttering by. Curious, Tom chased after it, deeper and deeper into the woods. Suddenly, he realized he was lost. The trees seemed taller, the bushes thicker, and the path he followed gone.

Tom didn't panic. He sat down and thought about what to do. Remembering his mom's advice, he decided to stay put and wait for help. He found a big rock to sit on and started to sing a happy song to keep himself calm.

After a while, he heard rustling in the bushes. It was a friendly squirrel! The squirrel seemed to understand Tom's predicament and led him back to the path. Tom followed the squirrel, and soon he saw the familiar sights of his village.

Joyfully, Tom ran home and hugged his mom tightly. He shared his adventure with her and promised to be more careful next time. From that day on, Tom became known as a brave little explorer, always ready for new adventures but also wise enough to stay safe.

The end.



1. 应该穿正式服装。2. 因为小学英语口语大赛是一个正式的比赛,穿正式服装可以展现出参赛者的专业和认真态度。3. 正式服装可以包括西装、衬衫、裙子等,要注意颜色和款式的选择,最好选择简约大方的款式,避免过于花哨或夸张。同时,还要注意衣服的整洁和干净,给人留下良好的印象。

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